Groton, SD
Growing Families & Opportunities
© 2017 City of Groton SD
Web Hosting Donated by NVC Web Site Creation Donated by Kay’s Computing

Website Policy

Information Collected Automatically

Upon visiting website, we may collect your Internet address from which you access the web site, date and time, Internet address of the website from you which you came, your search you used to get here, items you click on the pages, the browser you use and your operating system. We use this information for various reports to improve and identify site problems.

If you use the Contact Us Form

We do not collect personal information for any use other than to respond to your questions. If you choose to fill out the contact us form with your information and submit it through the website, we use that information only to respond and get you the information you have requested. We recommend you NOT include any personal information like Social Security or Credit Card numbers. This is not a secure means of contact.

Linking Policy links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations to help provide the user with information that may be helpful in exploring the City of Groton. We do not endorse the views or products/services they offer. When a user links to an outside website, you are leaving the site and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the outside websites. We do not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or how complete the information is on the linked website.

Links reserves the right to deny or remove any link that contains misleading information and is in conflict with's policies.
Growing Opportunities & Successful Lives
© 2017 City of Groton SD
Web Hosting Donated by NVC and Web Stie creation Donated by Kay’s Computing

Website Policy

Information Collected Automatically

Upon visiting website, we may collect your Internet address from which you access the web site, date and time, Internet address of the website from you which you came, your search you used to get here, items you click on the pages, the browser you use and your operating system. We use this information for various reports to improve and identify site problems.

If you use the Contact Us Form

We do not collect personal information for any use other than to respond to your questions. If you choose to fill out the contact us form with your information and submit it through the website, we use that information only to respond and get you the information you have requested. We recommend you NOT include any personal information like Social Security or Credit Card numbers. This is not a secure means of contact.

Linking Policy links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations to help provide the user with information that may be helpful in exploring the City of Groton. We do not endorse the views or products/services they offer. When a user links to an outside website, you are leaving the site and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the outside websites. We do not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or how complete the information is on the linked website.

Links reserves the right to deny or remove any link that contains misleading information and is in conflict with's policies.