Groton, SD
Growing Families & Opportunities
© 2017 City of Groton SD
Web Hosting Donated by NVC Web Site Creation Donated by Kay’s Computing

Getting Involved

Community Transit

Groton Community Transit, Inc., is run by a board of volunteers who meet quarterly at the Groton Transit Office. We are open Mon-Friday 8 am - 4 pm. To contact the transit either send a letter to Groton Community Transit, Box 693,Groton, SD 57445, or call 605-397-8661. The main purpose of the Groton Community Transit (GCT) is to provide safe and timely transportation service to all citizens of Groton (both young and old) to and from their home for medical, shopping, and social activities so that they may lead a full and enjoyable life. Groton Transit is sponsored by state and local funds. All transit bus drivers are 100% volunteer. We are always looking for new drivers. Contact Liz or Pam at 605-397-8661 for any questions. Check out our Facebook Page. 4A Rider Complaint Form 5A Title VI Complaint Form Passenger Handbook

American Legion

Groton American Legion Post #39 meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of every month. The group meets in the back room of the Legion located on the south end of Groton’s Main Street. Sponsoring the Legion baseball team and Boys State are the two major activities of the Legion Post. To contact the American Legion, either send a letter to P.O. Box 125, Groton, SD 57445, or call the current Legion commander Robert Wegner at 605-397-8553. American Legion National Site

Legion Auxillary

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 39 meets at the American Legion Hall on the first Monday of every month. Meetings, which start at 6:30 p.m., are usually preceded by a snack. The Auxiliary's major projects include Veteran/Military support and advocacy, youth development, and family support projects. The mailing address for this group is Legion Lounge, Attn American Legion Auxiliary, PO Box 125, 12 North Main St, Groton, SD 57445. The mission of the Auxiliary is to provide loyalty for all veterans. In the spirit of God and Country, the Auxiliary's purpose is to serve veterans, military, and their families. Women are eligible for membership in the auxiliary if they are themselves a veteran who served honorably or if they fall into on e of the following categories: wife, mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, great grandmother, granddaughter, or great granddaughter of an active duty service member or veteran who served honorable during any of the eligible wars. To contact the group call the Legion Hall, 605- 397-2603 and leave a message Auxiliary National Site

Senior Citizens

Groton Senior Citizens meet every month on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Mondays at the Community Center in Groton, located on 109 N 3rd St. On the second and fourth Mondays, the meeting starts at 1 pm. The meeting on the third Monday varies every other month; one month there is a 12 noon potluck meal, and the next month there is a birthday party and bingo at 1 pm. The group plants flowers every year in front of the Community Center to make it feel more like home. The senior citizens enjoy meeting with each other to eat, visit, and play whist, pinochle, bridge, or canasta.


The Groton Kiwanis meets every Wednesday at 12 noon in the Groton Community Center. The club's major projects are the snow queen contest, scholarships for Groton Area High School Seniors, and an annual Halloween party for children. The Kiwanis financially supports a high school sophomore by sending one student each year to the Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership seminar. The club supports the 4-H Premium sale, serves supper with the FFA at the James Valley Threshing Show in Andover, SD, and sponsors the Homecoming Tailgate Supper, a Pancake Brunch, the annual Athletic Banquet, a blood drive, and an annual track meet as well as other miscellaneous activities involving children. "Young Children - Priority One," the mission of Kiwanis International, has "Serving Children of the World" as the main purpose of their organization. New members always welcome! There is a weekly speaker during the meeting who provides information on a wide variety of topics. Kiwanis International


The club has many major projects which include sponsoring Groton Rummage Day in the spring and fall, hosting the Saturday Breakfast at the Andover Threshing Bee, sponsoring Punt, Pass & Kick competition, conducting Ditch Clean Up, awarding scholarships for local students, hosting the Lions Wrestling Tournament at Groton School in January, participating in Lions Club Leader Dog program, doing fund raising for juvenile diabetes, and paying for eye exams and the purchase of glasses for individuals as needs are identified throughout the community. The Lions Club mission statement is “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace, and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.” Their motto is “We Serve.” Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization in the world with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs throughout 207 countries and geographic areas. In 1917 Melvin Jones, a 38 year old Chicago business leader, asked a simple and world- changing question – what if people put their talents to work improving their communities? Today almost 100 years since Jones made his simple query, there are now countless stories of Lions acting on the same simple idea: let’s improve our communities. Today the Lions are probably best known for fighting blindness, but these dedicated individuals also perform volunteer work for many different types of community projects – including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry, and aiding the seniors and the disabled.

Garden Club

The Groton Garden Club holds its 5:30 pm supper meetings on the 3rd Monday of every month, either at members' homes or at Golden Living Center. Their major projects include caring for the circle in the city park, helping the 4-H club planting flowers at the baseball park, observing Arbor Day by planting a tree, caring for the barrels of flowers around town, promoting Smokey the Bear - Woodsy the Owl poster contest in grades 1- 4, observing National Garden Week, and sponsoring "Yard of the Week." The mission of this club is to educate and beautify the world. To reach this goal they learn new garden practices by the programs presented at their monthly meetings. For anyone interesting in joining this ambitious group, their meetings include great food, tours of gardens, enjoying each other's company (varied ages and interests), and a lot of laughter!

Groton Chamber

Groton Chamber of Commerce works with businesses to promote commerce, community, and provide new opportunities with traditional values More on our website
Growing Opportunities & Successful Lives
© 2017 City of Groton SD
Web Hosting Donated by NVC and Web Stie creation Donated by Kay’s Computing

Getting Involved

Community Transit

Groton Community Transit, Inc., is run by a board of volunteers who meet quarterly at the Groton Transit Office. We are open Mon-Friday 8 am - 4 pm. To contact the transit either send a letter to Groton Community Transit, Box 693,Groton, SD 57445, or call 605-397-8661. The main purpose of the Groton Community Transit (GCT) is to provide safe and timely transportation service to all citizens of Groton (both young and old) to and from their home for medical, shopping, and social activities so that they may lead a full and enjoyable life. Groton Transit is sponsored by state and local funds. All transit bus drivers are 100% volunteer. We are always looking for new drivers. Contact Liz or Pam at 605-397-8661 for any questions. Check out our Facebook Page. 4A Rider Complaint Form 5A Title VI Complaint Form Passenger Handbook

American Legion

Groton American Legion Post #39 meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of every month. The group meets in the back room of the Legion located on the south end of Groton’s Main Street. Sponsoring the Legion baseball team and Boys State are the two major activities of the Legion Post. To contact the American Legion, either send a letter to P.O. Box 125, Groton, SD 57445, or call the current Legion commander Robert Wegner at 605-397-8553. American Legion National Site

Legion Auxillary

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 39 meets at the American Legion Hall on the first Monday of every month. Meetings, which start at 6:30 p.m., are usually preceded by a snack. The Auxiliary's major projects include Veteran/Military support and advocacy, youth development, and family support projects. The mailing address for this group is Legion Lounge, Attn American Legion Auxiliary, PO Box 125, 12 North Main St, Groton, SD 57445. The mission of the Auxiliary is to provide loyalty for all veterans. In the spirit of God and Country, the Auxiliary's purpose is to serve veterans, military, and their families. Women are eligible for membership in the auxiliary if they are themselves a veteran who served honorably or if they fall into on e of the following categories: wife, mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, great grandmother, granddaughter, or great granddaughter of an active duty service member or veteran who served honorable during any of the eligible wars. To contact the group call the Legion Hall, 605-397- 2603 and leave a message Auxiliary National Site

Senior Citizens

Groton Senior Citizens meet every month on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Mondays at the Community Center in Groton, located on 109 N 3rd St. On the second and fourth Mondays, the meeting starts at 1 pm. The meeting on the third Monday varies every other month; one month there is a 12 noon potluck meal, and the next month there is a birthday party and bingo at 1 pm. The group plants flowers every year in front of the Community Center to make it feel more like home. The senior citizens enjoy meeting with each other to eat, visit, and play whist, pinochle, bridge, or canasta.


The Groton Kiwanis meets every Wednesday at 12 noon in the Groton Community Center. The club's major projects are the snow queen contest, scholarships for Groton Area High School Seniors, and an annual Halloween party for children. The Kiwanis financially supports a high school sophomore by sending one student each year to the Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership seminar. The club supports the 4-H Premium sale, serves supper with the FFA at the James Valley Threshing Show in Andover, SD, and sponsors the Homecoming Tailgate Supper, a Pancake Brunch, the annual Athletic Banquet, a blood drive, and an annual track meet as well as other miscellaneous activities involving children. "Young Children - Priority One," the mission of Kiwanis International, has "Serving Children of the World" as the main purpose of their organization. New members always welcome! There is a weekly speaker during the meeting who provides information on a wide variety of topics. Kiwanis International


The club has many major projects which include sponsoring Groton Rummage Day in the spring and fall, hosting the Saturday Breakfast at the Andover Threshing Bee, sponsoring Punt, Pass & Kick competition, conducting Ditch Clean Up, awarding scholarships for local students, hosting the Lions Wrestling Tournament at Groton School in January, participating in Lions Club Leader Dog program, doing fund raising for juvenile diabetes, and paying for eye exams and the purchase of glasses for individuals as needs are identified throughout the community. The Lions Club mission statement is “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace, and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.” Their motto is “We Serve.” Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization in the world with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs throughout 207 countries and geographic areas. In 1917 Melvin Jones, a 38 year old Chicago business leader, asked a simple and world-changing question – what if people put their talents to work improving their communities? Today almost 100 years since Jones made his simple query, there are now countless stories of Lions acting on the same simple idea: let’s improve our communities. Today the Lions are probably best known for fighting blindness, but these dedicated individuals also perform volunteer work for many different types of community projects – including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry, and aiding the seniors and the disabled.

Garden Club

The Groton Garden Club holds its 5:30 pm supper meetings on the 3rd Monday of every month, either at members' homes or at Golden Living Center. Their major projects include caring for the circle in the city park, helping the 4-H club planting flowers at the baseball park, observing Arbor Day by planting a tree, caring for the barrels of flowers around town, promoting Smokey the Bear - Woodsy the Owl poster contest in grades 1-4, observing National Garden Week, and sponsoring "Yard of the Week." The mission of this club is to educate and beautify the world. To reach this goal they learn new garden practices by the programs presented at their monthly meetings. For anyone interesting in joining this ambitious group, their meetings include great food, tours of gardens, enjoying each other's company (varied ages and interests), and a lot of laughter!

Groton Chamber

Groton Chamber of Commerce works with businesses to promote commerce, community, and provide new opportunities with traditional values More on our website